CCNY IT Help Desk Dailies

Testing the Academic Commons Blog

Our new Ticketing System — RemedyForce

Posted by Sirin Samman on November 22nd, 2011

We’re in the process of preparing for the implementation of a new ticketing system: BMC’s RemedyForce.

So far, we’ve torn our hair out trying to understand what exactly Foundation Data means and how to build a structure that makes sense in a live environment but other than that, it’s been going pretty well.

Our sys admins, usually difficult to be lured out of their natural habitats (i.e. the comfort of their offices/departments/server rooms), have been refreshingly interested and helpful with this project. In fact, with the arrival of our new CIO a few months ago, our team has become generally more active and collaborative. Amazing what good leadership can accomplish.

Here some good articles on the basic principles of a nurturing work environment:

Ok – this blog entry is just all over the place.
Reason 1: I am being continuously interrupted. Reason 2: As you can see in my “about me” section, I am the queen of finding bugs. So, as I was setting up this entry, I’ve encountered at least 3 different things that didn’t work the way they are supposed to work. This, of course, has to be documented…and then when it’s documented one has to figure out where to send this feedback. And so the dominos keep falling… — And this is why I’ve become an expert in user navigation.

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